Saturday, September 4, 2010

Inspiring the youngsters

Ok, I will admit it.  I tend to waste a little too much time on facebook.  I'm mostly procrastinating rather than doing more important stuff, of course.   So today when I got an instant message on facebook from a family friend's daughter, age 10, I was very surprised by some of the things she said to me.  

I had dropped off some boxes of the chocolates to her older sister earlier in the day, so she has actually seen the Eid Mubarak Chocolate Bar in person.   She said, 'I love your chocolates, they are soooo niiicccceeee!!'   I was so flattered.  Then she said, 'I want to do what you do.'  Wow!  I feel amazed that I can have that sort of affect on a girl at the age of 10!   I told her that if she puts her mind to it, she could do anything.    I think just the idea that I could influence someone else into following their passion really makes me feel like I am doing something right.   Whether or not I am successful, if I have pointed others in the right direction, then I am guessing it was not all for naught.

So Facebook wasn't a time waster today afterall.   :)

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